May 24 Meeting

Scribe 24 May 2017
ROTARY MINUTE Don Boyce spoke of a group of “young” (over 75) men that he belongs to. One of the members, knowing Don is a Rotarian, gave him a book of Rotary songs which he got from his brother, who was a Rotarian and club president in 1949. Don gave the book to president Pat who suggested it should go to a more prominent place in Rotary.
The IRISH CLUB of White Rock is giving a concert on June 27th. Dierdre is selling tickets. Proceeds may go to Rotary projects.
SHRED-IT EVENT is planned for June 3. A sign-up sheet was passed around. Coffee, Muffins and Pizza have been promised by various nearby businesses.
INSTALLATION will be on Wednesday June 21 at a place TBA. Jan’s On The Beach and Sheila’s were suggested. This somewhat less formal event will also be our June social.
EXECUTIVE MEETING last week resulted in one motion coming to the general meeting to support the Save-On-Foods project for 1% of sales up to a limit of $1000 per year for two years. The motion passed after some lively discussion. A formal notice will go to the food bank expressing concern that vetting of food recipients is not robust enough.
SPEAKER Introduced by Jeff, Sandy Wightman gave a slide show and talk of his recent visit to the Vimy Memorial. Sandy has researched his great grandfather’s role in WW l. In Sept. 1916 Alex Jacks. Sandy’s great grand-father, led a charge on a German trench at St. Eloi. In Nov. 1916 he was involved in another charge in the Somme region. These were both before the 1917 Vimy Charge, which was the first commanded by Canadian officers.
A piece of shrapnel that Sandy found in a farm field was passed around. Alex was wounded in the leg by a German machine gun in Sept. 1917.
Rick thanked the speaker.