April 26 Meeting
Scribe April 26 2017
This was a business meeting, poorly attended.
Jerry spoke about a session at the Rotary training he recently attended. It was about employing people with disabilities. They appreciate having jobs and make very good workers. It is possible we will have a speaker on this subject.
Pat spoke about “Why we do the things we do.” He read an e mail from Tracy, who was on the Sip and Savour Committee and is now in South Africa. She mentioned that beggars look for food in doggy bags rather than money. She also spoke of experiences in an orphanage in South Africa.
The main business of the meeting was fund raising. Go Fund me and Corporate donation were mentioned. Corporations are planning for 2018 now. A list of companies should be prepared. Very large operating costs of some charities was mentioned. Some go fund me projects are successful and some are not. Work is required to determine how to be successful. Jerry volunteered to head up go fund me efforts. Jeff said we need a project to send people to a go fund me site. A discussion of tax receipts followed. Our international projects will provide input to go fund me.
Deirdre proposed an singer of Irish Songs might give a concert for us.
A list of past members was circulated for comment about a proposed reunion aimed at increasing membership.
Sip and Savour is moving to the White Rock Community Centre because the shopping Centre owners have a new policy against such events. The book sale moved for the same reason.
Peter talked about the 5 club breakfast. He pushed for ticket sales, cleanup workers, and posters.