Jerry Zdril – President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn – Sgt. of Arms
Rick Singh
Chip Bowness
Peter Herz
Don Boyce
Jeff Richards
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille
Greg Smith – Guest Speaker
Meeting Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry opened the meeting at 7:15 am and Don led the singing of “O Canada.”
Pat provided the invocation.
Rotary Minute
A Rotary Minute was not prepared for this meeting.
Jerry shared that some clubs review the 4 Way Test at each meeting, and suggested that we add this to our regular agenda. Jerry offered to start the practice at this meeting.
Alan let us know that the 4 Way Test was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert Taylor when he was asked to turn around a failing business.
Chip confirmed that people join for connection, fellowship, and goodwill, and stay for those reasons as well. Fellowship was listed as the #1 reason for joining, with service being #2. Fellowship is needed for good service.
Operational Budget Fundraising
Jerry started the 50/50 draw for this meeting. Our guest speaker, Greg Smith won the 50/50 draw and donated his proceeds back to the pot. Pat solicited contributions for Happy Dollars.
Rotary International Convention
Prior to the meeting, Jerry distributed an email promoting the 110th Rotary International Convention scheduled for June 1-5, 2-19 in Hamburg, Germany. A registration link was included in the email.
13th Annual West Africa Project Fair
Jerry reminded us of the email he distributed the day before announcing the Polio Immunization exercise that will be part of the West Africa Project Fair scheduled for October 2-11, 2018 in Cotonou, Benin, West Africa.
Sources Fair – September 15, 2018
Anyone interested in volunteering at the Sources Fair will need to let Jerry know and he’ll pass the names on to Sources. Volunteers are needed in 1-1.5 hour blocks to assist with handing out brochures and talking about the benefits and vision of Rotary.
Sources Ad – Revisit
Don asked if we could revisit our decision to not purchase an Ad in the Peace Arch page in celebration of Sources 40th Anniversary.
In terms of process, Peter reviewed that the members had originally decided to support the ad during a regular Business Meeting, and then the Exec voted to not go forward.
This Exec decision was then brought back to the general Business Meeting and the group voted to not go forward.
Jeff reminded us that we have no funding in our operational budget for this ad, but could make a direct contribution to Sources through our Project Funds budget.
Fund Raiser – Ready – Steady – Go
Roberta provided group with the following update and opened the discussion to the floor:
- Booking confirmed with Legion.
- Kitchen will be made available to us for a specified period of time.
- Roberta will send the updated Poster to everyone for comment prior to forwarding to Scott for printing.
- Breaks for the band have been established.
- Jerry reminded us of our commitment for each of us to submit 2 items for the silent auction.
- ONLY dollars our club receives will be through ticket sales and silent auction – we will receive no dollars from food and drink sales.
- Jeff agreed to look into license for 50/50 raffle.
- Tickets will be ready soon and each member will receive an initial set of 10 tickets to sell. Rhonda will track auction contributions and ticket sales.
- Rick suggested that we consider a wine board and Canuck tickets through a live auction.
- Greg Smith suggested that the silent auction be closed earlier and that the higher end items might best be handled through a live auction at the end rather than as part of the silent auction.
- Jeff brought to our attention a potential competitive event hosted by the Semiahmoo Club on November 9, promoting the ‘Eagle Eyes’ band.
Grant Application – Rotary International
Chip updated the members regarding the revised and re-submitted application to Rotary International for the Cambodia Project. Still awaiting a response.
Social – September 18, 2018
It was agreed that we would hold the September 18 Social at the new Chinese Restaurant that now holds a liquor license.
Jeff agreed to contact the Restaurant to consider a pre-set menu for the event.
Guest Speaker – Greg Smith, Semiahmoo Arts Association
Pat introduced our guest speaker, Greg Smith from the Semiahmoo Arts Association and recognized the outstanding and long-term contribution Greg and his wife Marlena have made to the arts community in White Rock.
Greg thanked Rotary for support for the Media Lab and remarked on how Semiahmoo Arts is growing and thriving. They now have full-time staff and their budget has tripled over the past 4 years.
Greg shared 3 main messages:
- Local arts and supporters are tribal – hardly aware of each other with little coordination, lacking a consolidated powerful voice.
- Arts environment is vibrant. Impressive array of established and new artists. Good educational support and young students showing promise for the future. Media Lab is important, offering tools for cell phone moving making and use of editing equipment.
- Promotion is frozen with not enough opportunity for artists to have their works displayed and for them to shine. This is particularly true for sculptures, requiring more space for display.
Greg commented that they are in need for strong outside leadership and suggested that this could be an area where our Rotary Club could contribute.
Jeff recommended that given our desire to identify new areas of involvement and service, the local art community might be a good fit for our group to consider.
Rhonda agreed to contact Barbara Nelson, Executive Director of the Semiahmoo Arts Association to start an exploratory conversation about where they are at, their vision, gaps, and areas where we could potentially provide leadership and support. Rhonda will bring the details of this conversation back to our members.
Pat thanked Greg for his service to the arts and his presentation.
Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:37 am