Rhonda Latrielle, President and Chair Out of town:
Lynda Simpson Jerry and Roberta Zdril, July 2020
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Brian O’Ruairc Scott Phemister, July 11- Aug 10, 2020
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Rick Singh
Patrick Hahn
Garry McIntosh
Mike Hornak
Margot McDermott
Marjorie Walters
- Welcome and Call to order– at 7:53 am;
Special Welcome to our Guests Mike Hornak, Margot McDermott and Marjorie Walters
- National Anthem: Played music in view of COVID19 regulations
- Invocation: Peter delivered
- Rotary Minute: Rick delivered
- Accept Minutes of Previous Minutes: Motion to accept by Rick second by Deirdre, Carried
- Additions to Agenda - none
- Sergeant at Arms: Funds gathered from our Happy/Sad Dollars assist to meet the operating shortfall of $1,700 we need to keep club costs in the black.
- Current Fundraising Updates:
- District Grant Application with matching funds for Cambodia Project. Jerry Zdril, Brian O’Ruairc and Chip Bowness Plan to complete application. Treasurer confirmed funds to match the maximum requested. Confirmed in process, completion required by August 31, 2020.
- New Funding Requests – None
- Fund Raising Projects Updates:
- Shredding Event – Shred Wise Company, cost $550 will be on October 31, 2020 and Halloween theme. Ideas for Halloween theme welcome. We are looking at Safeway Crescent Beach parking lot, and looking at Legion Crescent Beach parking lot as well, if Safeway does not work out. Need to get word out in a more aggressive way with more signage etc. and perhaps invest funds in reusable signs. We have 4 sandwich boards for day of advertising. All signs must be on our own property as City of White Rock will take away any posted-on City property.
- Sources Group Residence home of 160th street- Kitchen reno update – With Gratitude, Brian O’Ruairc, has done all Renovation design and organization details with our group volunteering the labor. Planned Cabinet demo and install on August 17th & 18th, Hallmark will replace Lino on August 19th & 20th. More Volunteers needed for August 21st and 22nd.
- Suggestions - Need to think of ways to raise funds with COVID friendly methods. All ideas welcome no matter how far-fetched, as our FAB 4 Dance was a big part of our fund raising. Look forward to your ideas please!
- Rotary International and District Updates:
a. Citation Goals –Rhonda has completed with Deirdre assistance, but details will be deferred when better visual report is available.
b. ADG to attend meetings – Joan Apel has responded to attend virtual meet once we have set up using Ricky’s and Jeff’s electronics.
c. New District Governor is Carol Tichelman , from Chilliwack, will be attending our virtual meet on October 14, 2020.
Carol Tichelman (District Governor 2020-21) _ Rotary District 5050_files
d. Semiahmoo Club Golf Fundraiser – Sept 8, 2020. Reminder of date and each member to contribute on their own rather than a club donation.
e. Golfun – District updated that they will offer Paul Harris matching points for individual member donations of $250US or more made to either the Annual fund or Polio Plus from July 1 – Sept 30, 2020.In the past years we have Contributed $1000 to the Golfun as we are a smaller club. They were asking for $2500 by end of September.
Motion by Rick to continue to Contribute $1,000 to GolfFun Foundation as has been in the past, Second by Deirdre, Carried. f. Rotary District 5050 – Peach Arch Journal – drew peoples attention to the hypelink that was on our Agenda.
- Business from previous meeting:
- Society AGM -Submissions completed by Jeff
- New Signing Authorities – Club and Society- new officers signature update still in process with Jeff.
- Directors Reports:
Treasurer – Also have an Invoice for the Rotoract Club of $438.65. which will be paid from program/youth fund. Also, June installation costs totaled $1080 and will be divided amongst our membership of who attended.
Membership – Mike and Shauna Hornak, will join under family membership. Installation to be confirmed. Three more members in the works
Publicity – Deferred Joanne absent
International Projects – Brian/Chip – awaiting borders to open, but are following up with Cambodia and Thailand for opportunity to travel. Their Covid is quite under control, mostly because they do not shake hands and most are 50 years and under in age and not fat; which are some of the stats of Covid research. They are presently overseeing repairs and fridge repairs from here, and are following with them regularly.
Administration – Rick, will be looking for Speakers if they can attend virtual meets, all suggestions of Speaker welcome. Our own club members have lots of knowledge, richness and history that we could share as well. Looking to find agreeable date; and thanks to Garry for link for Speakers. Perhaps report from Sources about the Kitchen Reno would be appreciated.
Rotary Foundation- deferred- Alan absent
- Future Meeting Dates : meet twice a month; the First and Third Wednesdays, and a social once a month.
First meet of each month would be a combined Business/Executive meeting and Second meet a regular business meet with potential guest speaker.
Our first Social for 2020/21 will graciously be hosted by Deidre and Brian O’Ruairc on August 26, 2020, Wednesday 6pm at their Home. Much thanks to kick off our first Social after Covid! Details to follow.
- Adjournment: as no further items for the good of Rotary was adjourned at 8:59 am.