February 15 Social
Scribe Feb. 15.
Our social this month was a dinner at the Roadhouse Grille with a speaker, White Rock Mayor Baldwin. He brought his wife, Jane.
There was a good turnout with several guests and great food.
Rick Singh introduced the Mayor.
The mayor talked of many things going on in White Rock and took questions. There is a plan to improve Johnson Road which generated one question. He did not talk about Park adoptions but there was one question on that to which he answered that White Rock had not pushed it and our club was the only one that had adopted a Park and there was a sign at the park saying we have adopted it. He professed belief that the railway will move and said the current talk of a rapid rail connection between Portland, Seattle and Vancouver enhances the idea. Trains move very slowly in White Rock and Crescent Beach and slowing down is related to uncoupling which the RR expects very few of but has had too many near Crescent Beach.
President, Pat, tried several different glasses and a fork to get attention but said he preferred the bell.