Nancy Walton
Scribe Jan 31
Jerry Zdril chaired this meeting and will chair the next one in the absence of Pat Hahn. Jerry characterized this as practice for when he becomes president. Jerry mentioned guest, Nancy Walton and said she will be further introduced later.
Rotary minute – Jerry talked about the recent article on Jimmy Carter and his comment about low income people who should not be underestimated and should be respected.
Jerry announced :
1. Peace Keeping conference in Vancouver Feb 9. Two of our members are registered so far.
2. Rotary Leadership Institute to be held in Surrey Mar. 10. It will include all 3 levels and the grad level.
3. District Training Assembly to be held April 7. Each club is billed for 3 or more attendees.
4. Changes to global grant forms. (email to follow)
5. Passport to Fun to be held Feb 8. This is a replacement for the 5 club event at the trotting track. It is expected that there will be more mixing. Dierdre has tickets. A volunteer is required to run the bar for one hour (Al Benson volunteered). Rotary banner is to be taken.
6. A vote will be taken re the Hospital Foundation raising funds for an all access park. A 5 club fund raiser was suggested as opposed to just writing a cheque.
7. There will be vote re advertising 5 clubs in a new magazine.
8. SASSY is again looking for funds. We have always refused. $1750 is requested this year.
March 3 is the charter night for the new Surrey Passport Club according to Sean Hogan. (e mail to follow).
A student has requested $100 to attend a course in Ottawa in late April. We generally do not support individuals.
Deirdre reported that some slow progress has been made on getting a Battamberg Rotary Club involved in our orphanage and grant request.
A beer fest in the park may be held on a summer Sunday. Our club would provide labor.
SPEAKER Rick Singh introduced Nancy Walton, Treasurer at Autism Support Network in BC
Nancy handed out a brochure, talked about Autism, and showed videos. The cause of Autism is not known but there are new treatments. Expert help costs $100 - $200 per hour. Nancy has a 20 year old autistic son, who holds down a job as a dish washer, and a daughter. She gave an interesting talk and spoke of her own experiences.
Don thanked Nancy for her talk and appreciated the difficulty in raising an Autistic child.