July 6 Meeting
Posted by Jerry Zdril
Scribe July 6, 2016
This was the first meeting of the new Rotary year and chair, Pat Hahn, who is learning the job. A threat of rotten tomatoes was not acted on YET.
Rick Singh said he is looking for help in suggesting speakers for the coming year. It was suggested that anyone who is mentioned in the newspaper is a likely speaker.
A letter was received thanking us for our scholarship to a person from the Learning Centre. The Zajak Ranch sent a brochure also asking for funds.
Linda Whitehead visiting from Semiahmoo Rotary, spoke about exchange students. After several years they are again sending a student to France and have a student coming for a year. They have 3 host families and are looking for a 4th probably for December through February. Scott Olson is the contact but Linda can also be contacted at LBW@venturesnorth.com The student will be going to Elgin High School but hosts can come from anywhere.
Golf Fun is at Hazelmere on Aug 12. Our club will consider a $1000 hole sponsorship again at the next Executive meeting with time and place to be decided. Pat will send an e mail.
Sergeant Scott fined Don, Rick and Peter for talking after the bell. Peter objected but paid under threat. Alan was fined for being late. It was noted that Jeff was on time this morning and he explained that his wife did not go to work today because of a virus at her employer’s computers. He warned against opening email that is from strangers or has no subject. We were also told to shut down computers at night and not to leave them signed on to internet. A program called “ Malware Bytes” was suggested. Peter paid a happy buck for a great visit to Whistler.
We need a new meeting place and need to grow. We are a great club which according to Jody Gordon, “punch beyond our weight”. We need more projects that will attract new members. A recent study of reasons people join rotary sequences reasons as Local impact, friendships, networking, and global impact. We need local impact projects that we can wave the flag over. We should talk about why we do projects – not what we do. Linda suggested we look at The Wooden Spoon whose manager is Graham.
We were reminded that the ladies baseball tournament is about to start and that the Canadian team is playing Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.
This weeks meeting will be a brief Executive Meeting to:
1.) Address funding of $1000 as our Polio Fund contribution through Golfun 2016.
2.) Have a more expansive conversation with all Members about the creation of a Club Calendar.
> This would include discussing how we fit "social evenings" into our Rotary year.
> Are structured dates the best
> An example: When the Mayor visits us we could have him speak in a social context with larger numbers including Honorary members, spouses, guests, with more time available.
3.) Need to get a handle on what our fundraisers are and when they will occur so we can plan ahead and create a 'budget' of sorts.
4.) Confirm our PADS commitment and discuss other ideas for making an IMPACT in our community/globally.