Scribe's notes
Scott led singing of "O Canada" and Roberta provided the invocation. The meeting was held at "Ricky's" and a review of this location will be made at the next meeting.  As well, additional information from the "Roadhouse" has been obtained.
Jerry and Roberta discussed their day spent at RYLA on May 26.  A very good day that proved the worth of the RYLA experience in leadership.  The new Rotaract club being formed had 5 new members as a result of RYLA.  A request for $100 to support the Rotaract club was received and will be discussed at the June 13 meeting.
SOS Children's Village has requested a $2,000 donation from our club.  After some discussion, Chip volunteered to attend the June 13 open house at SOS and report back to the club with his findings.  The club reinforced the criteria of not simply "writing cheques" in deciding on organizations and projects to support.
Chip, Brian and Deirdre continue to work on the MOU for the Battambang orphanage Global Grant.  It is important to have the application for the Global Grant submitted before July 1st. 
Reminder to members to provide their continuing donations to the Rotary Foundation.
Sergeant at Arms, Scott, fined members and collected Happy/Sad dollars.
Next meeting, June 13,  is a combined Executive and members meeting at the Pacific Inn