Installation Dinner for Incoming President
A  cocktail reception was followed by  O’Canada, Invocation by Carlos and Introduction of guests which included spouses in attendance, Emery Dosdall and LindaGene Coyle.
After dinner Pat spoke about his two terms as President. 
Presented the Rotarian of the Year to Deirdre.
Pat and LindaGene introduced Renee as the newest Honorary Rotarian.
District Governor, LindaGene,  was introduced by Emery and she officially installed the 2018/2019 Executive.
Closing Remarks from Jerry recognized the strength of the club is a result of active, talented and committed members.  We are involved in both community and international projects. 
Jerry asked all members to reflect on what brought them into Rotary and to commit to bringing new ideas to the club.
It was a marvelous night and thanks again to all that we do for Rotary.