May 30 Meeting Notes
Scott led singing of "O Canada" and Peter provided the invocation.
Jerry explained that he will lead the next 3 meetings, including May 30 since he will be away in July. Pat will chair meetings then.
Announcements included:
1. Linda Murray, the District Governor for next year, has scheduled her visit for August 8.
2. Jerry contacted Roadhouse Grill for possible meeting site after Pacific Inn closes. Members expressed concern about the starting time and temperature of the room in the winter. Sharon at the Roadhouse will be contacted by Jerry about the concerns raised.
3. It was decided to schedule our June 6 meeting at Ricky's on KIng George Blvd. Jeff confirmed that Ricky's will be available for that date.
June 6 meeting will be at Ricky's
June 6 meeting will be at Ricky's
4. Scott indicated that the "Shred It " fundraiser is on track. He will arrive at 6 AM to set up the parking lot. Needs club members to be available at 8:30 to set up tables and other items. He stated that coffee, muffins and pizza were paid for by Renee last year. He will contact Ocean Park Pizza to see if they will donate the pizza. Please continue to promote the event.
Discussion the moved to the determination of fundraising events to support our projects. The following fundraising goals were suggested:
1. Orphanage $5,000; 2. Hospice in Thailand $5,000; 3. Learning Center $2,500; 4. Sources Food Bank $300; 5. Salvation Army $500
for a total of $13,300
Fundraising activities were then discussed and the preliminary list includes:
1. Beatles nite - Deirdre has booked the band and Legion for November 24. Suggestions were made to investigate the Star of the Sea hall which would allow for club to capture the revenues from the sale of bar items. Deirdre will investigate.
2. Shred It - possibility of holding this event twice a year will be investigated. As well, Rick suggested that we may be able to collaborate with Staples and establish an arrangement where revenues earned from their shredding over one month would be donated to our club. Further discussion is needed.
3. Sip and Savor event has been scheduled for October 27.
4, Couch Potato - was briefly discussed and will need more discussion and investigation.
The club will continue to consider the above items at the next meeting.
Lastly, the club should consider funding other community organizations and needs. A needs analysis was suggested, and will be expanded upon at the June 6 meeting.