Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Renee Nicholson
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Pat Hahn
Scott Phemister
Deidre O’Ruairc
Rhonda Latreille
Roo – Accredited Facility Dog
Christine Simmons
Todd Simmons
Elizabeth Tiley
Herb Latreille
Welcome and Call to Order:
Jerry introduced and welcomed our guests and called our meeting to order at 7:22 am.
Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Peter offered the invocation.
Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Peter offered the invocation.
Social – April 17
Jerry confirmed that our social will be at the Verandah on the beach.
We had considered a 5 pm start to better accommodate the shifts at the Verandah and subsequent to this meeting, it was later confirmed that the start time would remain at 6 pm.
Memorial for Don Boyce
No confirmed date as of this meeting.
District Conference Display
Due to a miscommunication there will be no table for us for our project after all.
Beer Garden
Jerry and Pat met with Alex from BIA.
MOU being reviewed and finalized.
Meeting in 10 days to determine space requirements/tables and placements. This will determine fencing and chairs etc. Working through checklist prepared already.
Shred It - June 1
Roberta working on posters.
Roberta working on posters.
Shredwise - looking at another date in November.
Will discuss further at the Exec meeting next Wednesday
Cambodia Project Update
Deidre provided an update on the Cambodia project.
Brian and Chip will need to stay longer than originally anticipated due to monsoons - festival shutting down community - electricity on and off.
What an experience! We are grateful for their contribution and relieved for their safety.
Brian and Chip will need to stay longer than originally anticipated due to monsoons - festival shutting down community - electricity on and off.
What an experience! We are grateful for their contribution and relieved for their safety.
Presentation - Sophie’s Place - Christine Simmons
Renee introduced Christine and Roo.
When the pups born - go to puppy raisers (Roo still connected with his puppy raiser)
When the pups born - go to puppy raisers (Roo still connected with his puppy raiser)
Trained right from the beginning - yellow cape - training all day Monday-Friday.
Purpose bred for this work. 20% don’t graduate. Costs about $35,000 to train a dog from birth to graduation.
Purpose bred for this work. 20% don’t graduate. Costs about $35,000 to train a dog from birth to graduation.
After about 2 years - go to Calgary for advanced training.
Deployed to schools, RCMP, Sophie’s Place etc.
Roo was trained with another trainer was later handed over to Christine to serve as Roo’s handler.
The handler is expected to be with Roo while working (except during a private interview with families or children.)
Accredited Facility Dog is not a Service Dog.
Facility dogs are trained to go to schools and support houses. Since Roo is not a service dog, handler cannot take Roo to store for personal shopping and errands.
This is an 8 year commitment and they typically expect a dog to be working for about 10 years.
Roo has facebook, instagram and twitter accounts.
Roo Turned 3 Feb 20.
Sophie’s Place and Roos Role:
Sophie’s Place - Child And Advocacy Centre
Roo has been with Sophie’s place since October 1.
Rotary metal is attached to Roo’s vest. When Roo is ‘off cape’ – Roo is able to play and interact as a regular dog.
Sophie’s Place is unique in that offers victim services, RCMP liaison, city of Surrey services, as well as child development support.
When a child is coming through, very traumatic. Can be interviewed in a supportive family room and Victim Services are there as well. Victim Service Workers are now called Family Support Workers.
When child ready to be interviewed and if family is ok - Roo is there with the family.
See about 200 children a year at Sophie’s Place. 60% don ‘t tell. 90% offenders known to child. Many parents have experienced child trauma as well. Many children share that they don’t want to leave Sophie’s Place. Child tell their story once and all involved parties are there and available.
See about 200 children a year at Sophie’s Place. 60% don ‘t tell. 90% offenders known to child. Many parents have experienced child trauma as well. Many children share that they don’t want to leave Sophie’s Place. Child tell their story once and all involved parties are there and available.
Roo also assists with Court testimony.
Handlers also took Facility Dogs to Immaculate Conception to be with kids after traumatic events.
Roo deployed around the province.
Roo deployed around the province.
Big difference for kids having a dog present.
Family Support Workers carry the case from beginning to end and follow family through whole process.
Sohpie’s Place responsible for Roo - food, bath, liability etc. So have to fund raise and apply for grant, etc. Roo’s care is about $4000-$5000/year.
Seeing if Bosley’s will be able to help with food and baths.
Handler must submit monthly reports to PADS.
Jerry thanked Christine and Roo.
Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8 :30 am.