Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Scott Phemister
Alan Benson
Deidre O’Ruairc
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille
Fraser Drummond, Semiahmoo Club
Welcome and Call to Order — 7:15am
Jerry called the meeting to order and introduced our guest, Fraser Drummond.
Scott led the singing and Deidre offered the invocation.
Rotary Minute
Pat offered the Rotary Minute and spoke about the gift of being a Rotarian on the Peninsula.  Rotarians in this area represent a group of good people, integrated into the community, committed to serving in a meaningful way.

Executive Meeting -- Business Arising
Jerry shared for consideration the 2 motions arising from Executive Meeting:

A.Guatemala Project for Rotaract:
Discussion -- Can we do this through our Society?  Jerry will check with Jeff.
Jerry shared that the Executive passed the following motion for consideration by the full membership.
Moved by Pat and seconded by Deidre that :
“We recommend approval to donate $1000 to Rotaract for their Guatemala project and that we bring this forward for a full membership vote. “
Vote at Business Meeting:
1 opposed - no abstentions
B. Cambodia Project – Some Expense Reimbursement:

Jerry shared the following motion from the Executive Meeting:
It was moved by Jerry and seconded by Pat that :
“Subject to confirmation that there would be no contravention to the rules and bylaws of Rotary, we reimburse Brian and Chip $2,000 each to use toward offsetting some of the personal costs of their trip and expenses to supervise and work on the Cambodia upgrade, and once confirmed, that this motion be brought to the full club membership. “

There was discussion about how best to set this up to keep within Rotary policy.Jeff will provide us with his recommendations.
Fund Raising Events:

Beer Gardens:
Pat and Jerry meeting with Alex this week about the footprint.  Scott suggested that we allocate our next meeting to serve as a committee planning meeting for Beer Garden.   We will then arrange for a joint meeting to coordinate tasks with other Rotary Club.

Shred it
Confirmation of June 1 at Safeway at Ocean Park.  No dates available for October, so confirmed November 2. 
Scott will send an email to Superstore for November 2 event.
Roberta asked for a copy of the poster for the previous events.  Helps to have telephone number on poster - Deidre offered her number.

Ticket to Ride Dance - October 19
Jerry will bring up at President’s meeting to avoid competing events like we experienced last year.


East Beach Clean-up - Saturday April 27
Meeting at ‘What’s Cooking” and will proceed by there. 
Jerry hoping to have T-shirts soon - someone took them for our club from the District Conference.
South Surrey White Rock Learning Centre
Janet wants to organize an internship for their students to get work experience. 
Jerry, Rhonda and Pat going to meet with Janet next week to learn more about their vision and how this can be developed.

Rotaract Installation - May 4 - Saturday
Confirmed the Rotary Field House.  Tickets will be $35 per person. 
Start at 6:30 - applies - stand up event.  8:00 presentation and 8:15 installation and over by 9:30pm.  Have some great items for auction in addition to silent auction. 
Proceeds to Guatemala Project.  Already have over $25,000 raised.
May 17 - Fund raising Gala at Vancouver Golf Course - Black Tie Formal. 

In Memory:
Don Boyce’s Funeral will be held on May 4. 

New District Governor Visit -  August 21
If we want to change the date - need to do this soon.

District Awards
Need to be completed by May 15.
Might want to consider 3 - International Project — Cambodia Project
Avenues of Service - Brian and Chip for their work with Cambodia Award.
Jerry to ensure submission is made.

South Surrey Rotary Installation Dinner:
We still need this event even though Jerry is continuing for his 2nd of a 2 year term. 
Deidre offered to help Roberta to coordinate the dinner.

Rotary World Health Container Project. 
What if we had a container on our own?  Focus on medical equipment but also ship computers - items for Hospice?  Have to pay for shipping — Jerry to get more information and will bring back to Executive.
Jerry may ask him to come and speak to our club — been here before.

Rotary International Magazine
Jeff again brought up the idea of sending a picture of Cambodia Project to Rotary International Magazine for their Cover picture.  Everyone agreed.
We’ll review all the photos available when Chip and Brian return home.

Sgt at Arms. - Happy/Sad dollars.
Scott collected the donations from the group.
Informal Presentation -- Fraser Drummond – Rotary International and Toastmasters
Jerry provided information about his discussions with Fraser about the fit between Rotary and Toastmasters.  This led to the invitation to come and share the ideas with our club.

Fraser commented that he is a fairly new member to the community.  Simultaneously joined Toastmasters and Rotary, Semiahmoo Club. 

Toastmasters was founded in 1824 - non-profit organization dedicated to personal improvement by learning how to better communicate with confidence.  Fraser recognized how this could positively help individuals in a number of scenarios - both personally and professionally. 

In terms of Fraser’s work with Rotary, he shared that the focus of youth and leadership was more extensive then he realized originally.  They have had a number of remarkable young people present at the Semiahmoo meetings.  He recognized that for every outstanding presenter – dozens of youth are locked in a shell and not able to express themselves and show their whole potential.  Fraser saw tremendous opportunities for offering some of the Toastmasters programs to young people.  Fraser attended the breakout session (at District Training Conference) – about how our 2 organizations can work together. 

Good discussion about the value and fit for the 2 groups.

Fraser thanked us for the invitation to come and speak about these discussions.

Pat thanked Fraser for coming and sharing the information.

Jerry adjourned meeting at 8:30 am.