Jeff Richards - Chairperson
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Rick Singh
Deidre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Don Boyce
Scott Phemister
Joanne Taylor
Rhonda Latreille
***PLEASE NOTE -- Ritu Khanna, Executive Director South Surrey& White Rock Chamber of Commerce will be speaking at our November 7 meeting.***
Call to Order and Welcome
Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:15, Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Don offered the invocation.
Rotary Minute
Rick provided us with the Rotary Minute, reminding us of World Polio Day, October 24. Members can donate to the cause and we can tune into global health experts at 3:30 pm pacific standard time.
Golfing and Rotary International Meeting
Rick confirmed that St. Andrews is setting aside tee times for Rotary members for the dates of June 9-13, 2019 following the Rotary International Meeting. Rick encouraged interested golfers attending RI to schedule a game!
Rotary Foundation Month
Jeff reminded us to contribute to Foundation - some are close to a Paul Harris award. Go to Canadian Foundation website to make contribution. Our club has not yet contributed this year.
Sgt. at Arms
Scott took happy dollars.
Jeff shared that he ordered Rhonda a name tag so she could be in compliance 😉
District Foundation Dinner
Reminder of Dinner on Nov 3 in Bellingham. Our club will be asked for an auction item worth about $100.
Meeting from 10-3 prior to the dinner.
Rotary Leadership Institute
Reminder - Nov 21 Port Moody
Christmas Party Reminder
December 12 at Renee’s social room!
Ready - Steady – Go – November 24
· Joanne brought a lovely gift basket donated by OrangeTheory Fitness
· Everyone was encouraged to go out and secure ticket sales and bring in silent auction items.
· Deidre said it is time to start sending out posters.
· Deidre suggests we start the flyer blitz at the end of October.
· Ad for Ready Steady Go in Peace Arch News to go out November 9. If we are sold out - don’t have to go with the ad. Deidre confirmed that the ad brought in some sales.
Social for November 21
It was suggested that we go to the Imperial Chinese Restaurant even if they don’t yet have their liquor license. Jeff to see if they could put a menu together for us for about $20-$25 per head.
Meeting Location
Group had a discussion with Sandy, new manager at Ricky’s about how best to streamline process.
Beer Garden Fundraiser
Pat provided an update on his meeting with Alex Nixon, BIA, Peace Arch and White Rock Rotary Clubs.
Beer Gardens attached to the concerts scheduled in July and August — 2 at East Beach - 2 at West Beach and 2 at 5 Corners.
White Rock Club did 2 at 5 corners (lots of work to learn the ropes) and want to continue to operate 2 beer gardens at 5 corners. Alex confirmed that the BIA has no appetite for beer garden at west beach location because of local establishments. That leaves an opportunity for 2 beer gardens at East Beach.
Pat suggested that we work jointly with Peace Arch Club. White Rock folks offered to help us understand the ropes, requirements and details – such as onsite volunteers, security, rent chairs and fencing, cash registers, etc..... Pat reported that White Rock grossed $10,000 and net $7,000. WR will share their process binder with us — Pat feels this is manageable. Concern is resources and upfront costs. Jeff suggests a 2-drink minimum to get into chairs. We won’t have a view of the stage — just beer and music. Need some kind of food... Need to set up a joint working committee.
Jeff asked the group to indicate if they were in favour in principle?
Everyone showed interest to continue to pursue.
Financial - $35,000 in bank. Jeff will be sending out invoices for first half of this year.
Membership Meeting
Pat reported that only 16 or so attended. Go to the district site to see the members per club. This site also shows average age and gender.
Talked about retention - make sure membership are active and involved in projects and have someone follow up if someone is absent for a while. It is important to ensure everyone feels connected and check if you don’t see one for a while.
People join for fellowship and service. Purpose and reason for coming!
Cambodia Orphanage
Deidre reported that Rotary Club Cambodia sent all their info in — baby steps to get back on track.
Rick confirmed that he will have the lineup established before he is away, and will reach out to the Learning Centre for un update.
We agreed to have speaker provide presentation at the beginning of the meeting so that the presentation is not interrupted with breakfast being served.
Save-On Cards
The membership was remarkable in ensuring all the cards were sold to hand back the project stewardship to Don!
Thank you, South Surrey Rotary Club!
Don shared some info about their wonderful vacation – Started with the Alaskan Cruise, and stopped at a port in Russia, sailed down to the South of Japan and went to Tokyo - 2nd cruise ended up in Singapore. He left us wanting to hear more!
Rick away until Nov 7.
Jeff away for next 2 weeks.
Scott gone for a month - back end of November.
Jeff adjourned the meeting at 8:30