Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Alan Benson
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Pat Hahn
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Rhonda Latreille
Lynda Simpson
Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry called the meeting to order, welcomed and thanked everyone for their contribution to the Beatles night, Shredathon, and Rotary Noel Gala.
Concert on the Pier Beer Garden
Peace Arch Club also felt that the financial return was disappointing given the tremendous amount of work, and both clubs will have to do a careful review to determine if this is something we want to continue in the future – especially given the level of responsibility.
Financial Update
Jeff reported that we have 13,900 US$ from District to go toward the Cambodia Project.
We need to match this. Brian and Deirdre’s friend is offering another $10,000 to help toward Cambodia.
Brian and Chip will be heading back to Cambodia in February and we as a club will be looking at contributing some support to off-set their substantial personal out of pocket expenses. Will bring this up at the next Executive Meeting.
New Member Induction
Lynda Simpson will be inducted as a new member at the December 11, 2019 meeting.
Joan Apel will perform the induction.
Peace Arch Article about Chip and Brian’s work in Cambodia
Deirdre submitted to Rotary International and District Rotary, and distributed to all club members.
Rhonda agreed to upload onto the Clubrunner site as well.
CIBC Wood Gundy Fundraising
Pat shared that CIBC Wood Gundy raises money for charities and his office was a big supporter of the Development Centre. They invited Christine Simmons and Roo to give a presentation at their office. Christine spoke about Sophie’s Place and Pat provided information about Rotary and our involvement.
White Rock South Surrey Learning Centre.
Chip will connect with them to get an update on their status and bring back some more information about our engagement moving forward. They were concerned about finding a bigger place — not sure where they are with this. This should fall under the responsibility of the school board.
Semiahmoo House Kitchen Renovation
Brian prepared a quote for them. We will be volunteering labour — not cash.
Polar Bear Swim
Lindagene wants a couple of volunteers from each club.
Alan Benson is our rep and Brian and Chip will participate. We usually put up a table and a display.
Alan will be canvassing our club to see who else would like to volunteer and participate.
We had 2 tents and now can only identify one that is stored at the Rotary Field House. It was suggested that the second tent may be combined with the White Rock Peace Arch club materials.
5 Club Breakfast
Chip agreed to be our rep on the planning committee. It is anticipated that the breakfast will be held at the Baptist Church hall again this year.
Salvation Army
Jerry reported that Carlos asking for help with the kettle again this year – the kettle located at the Real Canadian Superstore. Carlos will send us a schedule of dates and times when they need help on Saturday’s. Jerry will follow up Carlos. Can also put up a Rotary sign beside them.
Beatles Dance Follow-up
Jeff confirmed with the group that there is no need to keep purchased and outstanding tickets. We agreed that a silent auction historical report would be helpful and Rhonda will ensure that all the individual sheets have been included fully in the master spreadsheet from previous years.
Semi Annual Dues
Jeff reminded us that the invoices have been emailed to all club members and includes the dues for 6 months as well as the cost for the installation dinner.
Jerry and Roberta sold their apartment. January 15, 2020 will need to find a new place to live.
Looking to rent for about 3 months while Jerry completes teaching his next term.
Chip shared his exposure to an internet scam showcasing Don Cherry promoting a bitcoin investment and warned the club members to be careful.
Pat shared earlier a request to support a young lady from Zimbabwe going to university in China. This young woman needs money for her tuition in order to continue her studies, approximately $350 US. It was advised that this request does not fall within Rotary and our club funding criteria, and persons wishing to contribute can do so on their own.
Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:36 am.