Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn
Carlos Galvez
Peter Herz
Rick Singh
Chip Bowness
Jeff Richards
Brian O’Ruairc
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Rhonda Latreille
Eva Galvez
Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:19, welcomed members and our guest, and led the national anthem.
Deirdre offered the invocation and Jerry provided the Rotary Minute reflecting upon the next theme for Rotary.
Upcoming Events:
CGE Gala Dinner — August 18, 2019
We will have space for our presentation.
6 pm. Grand Taj Banquet Hall.
Look at carpooling.
August 21, 2019 - Brad Whitaker coming to our club.
Bring guests.
Invite him to our social as well
Chip and Dawn Lynn to host the social at their home.
5050 Golfun. August 23, 2019
We were asked to Budget $2,000 US to Golfun.
We have typically provided $1,000 and we agreed to provide this amount again — Goes to the Foundation.
“It was moved by Jerry and seconded by Deirdre that we provide $1000 to the Foundation.”
Motion Carried.
Pat will attend.
August 23-26, 2019 - White Rock Book Sale Event to raise funds for playground upgrade.
Looking for volunteers.
October 16, 2019 — Johnny Walker Tasting Event
Pat Hahn reported that this is a tentative date.
Maximum number of 15.
Rhonda and Herb happy to host it.
This will be our October social event.
Rotary International Convention — next year in Hawaii June 6-10, 2020
Rotary St. Andrews Golf Tournament. (June 7-11, 2020 - Same dates as the Rotary International Convention in Hawaii.)
Rick will be attending the golf tournament again and said this is a great event and good way to meet Rotarians from around the world.
Only non-member event St. Andrews will host at the older course.
Fund Raising:
Dance - October 19, 2019
Roberta will start working on the posters.
Need to start thinking about auction items.
Save on Cards
Rhonda will be bringing those to each meeting on a regular basis again.
Estimated Revenues from Fundraising:
Shred it -- anticipate about $4,000 each x 2 = $8000
Beer Garden about $2,500 - $3,000 each = $6,000
Dance about $4000
Looking at about $20,000 (or so) from these events.
We’ll have to discuss how to distribute these funds.
District Grants:
Proposal for Happy Home and Hospice.
We can request up to 10,000 US and we have to match dollar for dollar.
We don’t have enough to cover the matching requirement if we get the max from the District.
Can be local or international but has to be a specific project.
If we target these fully - will we have anything much left over for local events like the Learning Centre and State House kitchen?
State House kitchen demands lots of time from us but not money.
Jerry feels we get the best return on our fundraising for what we do oversees since our dollars go so much farther in these countries.
Jerry will proceed with District Grant applications.
Fundraising and cash flow over the year... Do the other projects go against cash flow?
How do we get the Rotary Wheel out more to showcase Rotary?
White Rock Pier
Jeff suggested that if we wish to contribute toward the Pier, we should consider funding something specific with the Pier that we can point to.
Brian gave the example of a sun dial and Rick suggested the ‘miles to’ directional arrow post. Just some ideas... Monument or art work was also brought up.
Plank to lift up monument so it is visible now was another suggestion.
Peace Arch Club Disbanding in 2020
Peace Arch Club looking to disband at the end of the current Rotary year.
Some members are very interested in joining with our club - not as a full club merge, but as individual members making an independent decision to join our club.
If their active members join us, we may need to choose a different neutral date and place.
May need to find another venue - might want to consider Rotary Field House - only date would be Tuesday...would need to guarantee 16 or so for the caterer.
They have 8-10 regular active members with an overall list of 20.
Start inviting them to our socials to help us all get to know each other better.
Asked if we could help with their Christmas Gala Dinner.
They do get a $20,000 grant for local projects and we need to see if it influences the nature of our conversations.
Jerry, Rick, Rhonda and Jeff will be meeting with representatives from their club to discuss opportunities and options moving forward for 2020.
Beer Garden
Beer Garden wrap up mtg with Peace Arch was held following the July 18 event.
Identified some issues to learn from for the next beer garden in August.
Anticipate that this next one will be even more popular.
Jeff - rethink pricing or rethink revenue options.
BIA charging us? Can this be revisited? Costing them $100,000+ but they received $60,000 from the city.
We are not a business, so wondering if they may be willing to reconsider the charge to us.
Jeff proposed that we charge $20 just for admission only and suggested that this is not unreasonable given they have the ability to sit comfortably and drink while listening to the band. They can then purchase tickets for beer and wine.
Lots of discussion back and forth, and it was also suggested that the $20 admission include one drink to not be such a significant deviation from the other beer gardens.
What about a 50/50 draw?
Jerry agreed to bring the ideas to Peace Arch for their review and considerations as well.
Jerry adjourned the meeting shortly after 8:30 am.