
Pat Hahn — Past President and Chairperson
Peter Herz
Carlos Galves
Chip Bowness
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille

Eva Galves
Janita Hubbard

Opening and Welcome:
Pat opened the meeting at 7:19 am, introduced and welcomed our guests and Carlos provided the invocation.

Rotary Minute
Chip shared that Rotary started over 100 years ago.
James Davidson from Calgary helped to establish Rotary clubs throughout Asia. 
He started at least a dozen clubs including the club in Bangkok where Chip is a member. 
Biggest memberships are now in India and Japan — twice the membership of North America.
Rotary is now in 160 countries.

Chip commented that he was most impressed with Rotary being able to provide their doctrine in 4 lines – the 4 way test.


1.       Cadet Graduation
Pat and Chip and Dawn Lynn went to graduation for 9-12yr. old Cadets. 
Chip was in Army Cadets and Pat was in Air Cadets. 
The Cadets performed a good drill – they were together and disciplined.
Showed what they did for weekly meetings in addition to the drill. 
They presented the history of the Navy and how to tie knots etc. 
Very worthwhile activity.  Fun and good to see in the community. 
Cadets were very pleased with the support from the community and our Rotary Club, and invited Pat and Chip to participate in the presentations. 

Chip commented that the engine behind this were all women!


2.       Shred Event - June 1

The event on June 1 was a fun and successful day.

Jeff emailed a financial report to the members and provided detail at this meeting.


$4366.45 plus potential donation of $800 from a client of Pat’s.  When the donation comes in — this would bring the total to $5,166.45

Comparison to previous years:

2018 - PADS  — $4,408.45

2017 — PADS — $8528.60 (PADS participated in the promotion and the event)

2016 — PADS — $3,466.65

2015 — Community — $2,663.93


Suggestions for next event:
Next year — involve the recipient of the charity.

Better display our project boards to promote our work.

3.       Cambodia Project

We discussed starting with a Social for our club and ten a public 5 clubs event at the field house, or perhaps a separate presentation at the other club meetings to get a broader exposure.


Guest Speaker – Janita Hubbard – Peace Arch Foundation

Pat introduced Janita and reviewed her bio and role as the coordinator of philanthropy teams.

THRIVE and Time to Grow

Janita distributed copies of the latest edition of THRIVE Magazine, published twice a year and showcases donors.

Time to Grow - package of hospital redevelopment.

Janita commented on the changing demographic of South Surrey area – which gives the case for the urgency. 
Started the upgrades/redesign of ER and operating rooms. 

Hospital Upgrade:

Hospital has been very proactive and forward thinking about emerging needs. 

12 years ago noted need to increase capacity for hospital and came up with a 4 step plan:

·         ER

·         Operating Room

·         Unit that cleans equipment

·         New residential and hospice - complex care unit.  First of its kind - designed around family interests as well to accommodate families being with residents.

ER expansion addresses back-ups - designed with feedback from staff. 
Janita noted that because we have such a supportive community, we can get these projects done!

Feel fortunate to be part of this community. 
Hospital land was donated by a resident.

In terms of ER and triage, mental health, substance use, and pediatric care will be segmented from the general incoming visitors to accommodate streamlined care. 
Types of care need to be dealt with differently.

Care lounges — with walls to maintain privacy. 

Operating suites need to accommodate new types of equipment.

5 new operating suites - 1 dedicated for cataract surgery.

State of the art surgical technology - keep equipment in cupboards and better air circulation.
Medical processors in basement and now will have dedicated elevator for the movement of surgical utensils to basement.

The upgrades were designed with input from staff.
Input regarding chairs, beds, plugs, cord maintenance etc.
Effective consultation process.

It is believed that these upgrade will help with attracting best professional care providers.

Peace Arch Hospital Also Supports Healthy Communities.
Support a number of organizations - playground (with city and firefighters) - all ages all abilities. 
Generations playground has something that everyone can use.

Strengthen lives of all in community.

$294,000 granted to various organizations - Cancer drivers, substance abuse, dental societies park play box,  - not just clinical care.

Move for life — downward trend in schools for physical activities and working on this with the schools.  Cycle for ER raised $80,000!  Need to start sharing concept of philanthropy with younger persons.

Today’s generation are thinking more global and also want them to know what local support can do as well.  Every toonie helps!  People are so willing to support — they just don’t know how.

Want that personal one on one connection - want to know it is making a difference.

Local Collaboration – How The Foundation And Rotary Can Work Together

Janita spoke about how our organizations are in alignment and is happy to explore how we can support each other. 

Janita referred to her fundraising projects as ‘Parties with a Purpose.’

Would love to keep in the loop and help out and happy with the relationship going forward — together we can all achieve more!

Janita’s presentation closed with a commitment for her Foundation and Rotary to consider joint projects.

Jeff thanked Janita and confirmed that 3 lunches would be gifted to the Women’s Shelter in her name.

Pat adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.