Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Pat Hahn
Joanne Taylor
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille
Meaghan Jones
Lexie Wynne
Welcome and Call to Order:
Jerry called our meeting to order at 7:20am, Meaghan and Lexie led us in the national anthem, and Peter offered the invocation.
Jerry called our meeting to order at 7:20am, Meaghan and Lexie led us in the national anthem, and Peter offered the invocation.
Up Coming Events – Fund Raising
1. 5 Club Breakfast – March 16, 2019
Greeters - traffic directions and take down/clean up.
Use one-way driveway.
Come at 7:30 - tickets say start at 8:30.
Use one-way driveway.
Come at 7:30 - tickets say start at 8:30.
No more ticket money turned in today.
Rotaract running kids corner and flipping pancakes.
2. Shred – It – June 1, 2019
Jerry provided us with an update.
Scheduled for June 1 with Shredwise.
Will contact Ocean Park Safeway.
Tino wanted to know if we were interested in another Shred it date in the fall?
Everyone felt this would be a good opportunity to explore for October – November.
3.Dance with Ticket to Ride - October 19
Same ‘Fab Four’ band for this event.
The Legion is confirmed for that date as well.
4.Sassy Awards
Last President’s Meeting - Jerry let them know that we could not participate in Sassy award.
Asked if White Rock Learning Centre wants to sponsor Sassy award and we reimburse them.
Club members agreed with Jerry’s assessment that this was probably too late to explore and arrange and therefore not a good idea this year.
We may choose to revisit for the following year.
Up Coming Events – Announcements
1. District Training Assembly - March 23
Room for one more from our club.
2. Water expert – informal presentation – March 24
Semiahmoo Mall.
3. District Conference - April 11-14
Jerry commented that the registrations are low.
Suspected that the dollar exchange is probably contributing to the lower Canadian registration.
Linda Murray announced that there is an award for best project display at Conference.
We can use same one that we use at breakfast.
Hall and video facilities available. $50 charge to participate at display.
We don’t have to be there but would be a good idea... Short one page description about who we are and what we do? What about our brochure?
4. Rotaract Charter Night - May 4
Location to be announced.
Location to be announced.
5. District Governor Installation - July 21
Quality in in Abbotsford - Brad Whittaker will be installed as Governor.
6. District Club Visit - August 21
This is a slow time for our club due to vacations.
We’ll see if we can reschedule to get greater attendance.
Member Update :
Deidre prepared 3 cards - get well cards for Emery and Don and a sympathy card for Cliff’s family.
Deidre prepared 3 cards - get well cards for Emery and Don and a sympathy card for Cliff’s family.
Everyone signed the cards and Jerry agreed to mail them out.
Pat spoke with Emery - started chemo and treatment. Pat shared that he was very positive, pleased, and grateful.
Memorial for Cliff is Friday, at 2 pm.
Guest Presentation:
Jerry introduced Meaghan Jones and Lexie Wynne.
Jerry met at RYLA and Rotaract meetings.
How they started at RYLA - pictograph gift for our club and shows how active they are.
The new club on the block.
Meaghan and Lexie are Incoming co-presidents.
Intro recap 2018-2019
2018 Big Year
End of February - Laura’s coffee corner – Meetings on Wednesday evenings.
May - RYLA Magic happened - 6 members are from RYLA.
Partnering with Peninsula Club - Bread Run for Women’s Shelter.
June - First Post RYLA meeting - excited to be involved and engaged.
July - Beer Garden - White Rock Club and Port Moody Rib Fest. Rotaract and Rotary Clubs.
August 2018 Rotaract installations.
August - more beer Gardens - 5 corners - ABBA themed concert.
August - Langley Rotary 1st annual Rib fest.
September - First outreach trip to Guatemala - VP of Hands of Peacemaking- Everett Rotary Club.
Pumpkin carving social in October - donations to food bank.
November - World kindness day - coffee and donuts to fire hall - 50 firefighters there - training night.
First Guatemala fundraiser - $725 night.
Nov - Sock Drive - 2600 pairs of socks to Options Community Services in Surrey - King George and 64th.
December - 12 days of Kindness - Random Acts Of Kindness
Day 1 - Beach clean-up at WR beach.
Day 2 - Delivered poinsettias and cards to Langley high schools admin staff - thanking for all they do.
Day 3 - 100 care packages delivered to Options.
Day 4 - Positive messages on sticky notes - SFU Burnaby - encouragement throughout school exam season.
Day 5 - Christmas cards to seniors in local senior living community.
Day 6 - Self-care day to be kind to ourselves - reading etc....
Day 7 - Surrey eagles game - hand out candy canes to kids - teddy bear toss that night.
Day 8 Park clean up centennial park in WR (already very clean!)
Day 9 - Delivered 100 hand written cards to folks in hospital.
Day 10 - Poinsettias and plants to Laura.
Day 11 - Photo albums created for Rotary club sponsors.
Day 12 — Pay it forward - keep it going brought cookies, etc. Christmas dinner - Seniors Luncheon at the Woman’s place.
January - Guatemala bottle drive $202 and $150 more.
Presentation at Peace Arch Rotary club - Guatemala project.
Valentines cards handed out at Surrey Memorial Hospital at the NICU.
YAIL 2019 - Meaghan and Lexie facilitators.
Musical BINGO - WR Rotary Club.
Hockey social fundraiser - $425 selling tickets - Surrey Eagles Game.
PETS in Seattle- Lexie attended.
March - Krispy Kreme sale - Safeway - $430.
Guatemala Project
August 16-25 2019. District 5050 Rotaract Clubs - 5 clubs going. Fundraising for the trips.
Installing the Aller Stove - more economical and environmentally friendly and less smoke so better for their health. Positive for women and children’s health - especially babies. Stoves manufactured in Guatemala.
Install 65 stoves for 65 families in Guatemala - 14 hour drive from G city... whole village - village assigned to this project.
Goal is to fully fund project - each stove is about $250 US$ and costs Rotaract about $2750 Cdn p/p to go - so have to raise about $10,000+ Cdn side and US side.
$2750 - 8 going from Rotaract Club, so have to raise 22,000. Will personally cover any shortfall.
Asking for $2000 from each Rotary club - $1000 for stoves and $1000 for travel - asking for half of that from South Surrey Club.
Fundraisers - Vancouver Giants game — March 22.
Charter Night - May 4.
Beyond the Eyes Concert - WR Band - Roxy Cabernet May 24.
So far raised $1000 for stoves and $5600 dollars for trip. Each member had to put in $250 each.
Security issues - on compound and provided somewhat with organized group.
Jerry thanked them!
Offered to pay membership fee for first year if they want to join our club!
Offered to pay membership fee for first year if they want to join our club!
Will confirm our amount of donation at our next Exec Meeting.
Jerry adjourned meeting at 8:36am.
Jerry adjourned meeting at 8:36am.