Deirdre O’Ruairc – Past President and Chairperson
Brian O’Ruaric
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Rhonda Latreille


Lynda Simpson


Welcome and Call to Order:

Deirdre called the meeting to order at 7:15, Pat led the singing of our national anthem and Chip offered the invocation. 

Rotary Minute

In lieu of a Rotary Minute, Rhonda shared how the Rotary symbol included in the ‘Welcome to Sedona’ signage now took on a new and special meaning for her during her vacation there. 
On the next vacation, she commented that she will be better prepared and will find some Rotary meetings to attend while away. 


White Rock/Peace Arch Potential Engagement with South Surrey

There seems to be a misunderstanding regarding the nature and structure of the White Rock Peace Arch Rotary Club’s intention to engage with us once they officially disband their club. 
It appears that White Rock Peace Arch Club was intending to potentially merge with our club, while we believed that that a more informal arrangement would be pursued, allowing their individual members to choose which club and meeting times best fit. 

When Jerry returns, we will schedule a club review of the implications of various options to confirm our club position.

Rotary Noel
Deirdre reported that we may have earned $3,000 from our contributions to the event.  The evening great fun and a good success.

 President’s Meeting

Rhonda was invited to attend the meeting since Jerry is still on vacation.

The meeting was held at Joan Apel’s home

 December 17 All Clubs Christmas Party tickets — $45 each.

Rhonda has the tickets for the club.

Anyone paying by cheque should make it out to Joan Apel and she will reconcile all the money.

*****Please bring your money and/or cheque to the next meeting*****


Chip mentioned that he had new and additional information about some issues relating to Surrey pursuing their own police force and discontinuing their contract with the RCMP.

Chip was wondering what the role of the Rotary could be in providing more information to the public.

Pat confirmed that our club could not take a position, but encouraged each member to participate in any social causes that they wish.

It was acknowledged that there were different positions within our club and that these would of course be acknowledged and respected.



Deirdre adjourned the meeting at 8:25.