Pat Hahn - Chairperson
Jeff Richards
Peter Her
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Rhonda Latreille
Holly Scott, Tabitha
Harp Atwal, Peace Arch News
Bob Gray, Honourary Member
Lynda Simpson
Welcome and Call to Order:
Pat called the meeting to order at 7:15, led the singing of our national anthem and welcomed our guests.  Deirdre provided the innovation.
Holly will provide a more formal presentation about the Tabitha Foundation at another meeting.
Harp, from Peace Arch News, works with our ads and Pat expressed our gratitude for their ongoing support.
Beer Garden Final and Fab Fourever Revenue Numbers:
Jeff reports that we took in about $3700 total for both events combined, whereas the Fab Fourever brought in $5,206.  Legion did not charge us this year for the dance. Tentatively booked for next year.
Did discuss Elgin Hall - we could make some revenue off food and bar.  Have to get liquor license and cost/hour from set up to take down and must get insurance.  Jeff will look into it and work out a tentative budget.  More revenue potential, but it does create more cost and work for set up and take down, as well as the food and bar service.  It was commented that it is nice to have the turn-key operation available at the Legion.
Steve Scott from PAN loved the Fab Fourever event.
Deirdre talked about previous support of PAN that published an article on the Cambodia Orphaneage, and a client of Brian and Deirdre’s read the article, called Brian to learn more, and offered a donation of $10,000 for the Hospice!  Deirdre suggested that it is time for another article.
Rotary Noel
Lynda reviewed the email from Peace Arch Rotary Club.
Would like the donations for the silent auction as we get them.
Harp Atwal said that the PAN looking at what they can do to help out – discussed a silent auction item of an ad and thank you ad.
Deirdre will send out a blast asking members to identify who will attend the Rotary Noel and encourage donations and sponsorships!
Shred it this Saturday.
Chip will mark out the footprint this Friday night and will put out signs starting tomorrow.
Chip picked up the tents etc., from Scott.
Scott suggested that we should become known as the Rotary Shredders in the community – that this could be one of our signature events.
Chip suggested that we should invest in orange vests to identify ourselves and look more professional.  Chip will buy at least 10 of them - simple and useful.
One sandwich board and some signs.  It was suggested that we find some election signs and Chip will paint over them.
In addition to the Rotary shirts and the orange vests, Deirdre suggested that we each wear big buttons with ‘Ask Me About Rotary’ printed on the button.  Deirdre will bring these.
Starbucks donating coffee.
2 greeters receive vehicles and confirm if they have to wait and watch -  2 at tent, 2 at managing the paper, 2 for donations...about $10 a box donation - have credit card square handy.
Bring flag and banners if there is no wind.
Chip asked us to arrive at 8:30 am for set-up
Pat reminds us to share with people our WHY!  Orphanage and Hospice and Learning Centre, Food Bank and Local Hospice, WITS (Words, intervention, talk, s...?). anti-bullying.... orphanage in Haiti - Jerry looking at how we might be able to be involved.
Speaker for November 6:
Dr. Arlene King, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, ICD.D, will speak about the World Polio program.
Holly agreed to offer a presentation on the Tabitha Foundation at a later date.
Member Vacations:
Jerry and Roberta away October 23 – December 3
Scott away October 29 – December 10
Rhonda away November 8 – November 23
Jeff away November 12 – 31.

Pat adjourned at 8:29.