Meeting started at 7:20 AM
Don led the group in the singing of "O Canada". Carlos gave the invovation.
Peter introduced Bill Jones (a former Rotarian) as quest and speaker.
Pat provided a summary of the Sip and Savor event on October 21. He suggested that it was a successful event but asked for input from members that attended. There are Save On Food cards available as usual.
Renee is responsible for recording volunteer hours. Any activity outside of regular meeting that is related to Rotary is to be reported. She asked for members to send their hours for the July to September time frame.
There will be a meeting at the South Surrey Learning Center. $310 per student to attend Camp Alexander and $1,000 per student to attend a citizenship conference in Ottawa. More details to follow
Pat reminded members of the Rotary Foundation Dinner on November 18. An email has been sent to all members.
A new Rotaract club is being established in the White Rock district.
The Christmas Social will be held on December 13 at Renee's common room. It will be catered.
Ready, Steady, Go ticket sales reached the 90 level with more sales expected. A raffle will be held instead of the 50/50 tickets with a number of donated items being offered.
Bill Jones provided a very interesting presentation on Cape Breton in the Fall. He particularly emphasized the Celtic Colors Festival on Oct 3 to 13, 2018. Information on Louisberg, Baddeck and Miners Museum was provided.